Forum Discussion

SenorChang1337's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 25, 2024

SQLserver 2019 filestream share not visible, although no errors

Hello (first time post in sqlserver section):


Out developers have a problem regarding filestream feature in sqlserver 2019. We activated the feature with I/O Fileaccess. Then "EXEC sp_configure filestream_access_level, 2; RECONFIGURE;" then restarted the service, and started the Clustergroup. We activated fullaccess in SQLmanager and the the sharename was blank! We restarted the server , switched the nodes and back. Still blank and also not showing any fileshare with UNC. (The name of the share is "MSSQLSERVER", fyi.)


In powershell or in the Failover-clustermanager the "other ressource", the " SQL Server FILESTREAM share (MSSQLSERVER)" is online and there, with the running property of 2. Server is uptodate.

The powershell showed me type "fileshare" and not of type "SQL Server FILESTREAM Share" (which i don't know its normal or not).

And the only error i saw is when i go on the "share" tab in the failover-clustermanager, open the properties of this filestream share and i get an error like:

" the information for the share cannot be loaded" (translated from german).

Which can explain that i don't see the sharename in managementstudio nor in the windows Shares in controlpanel, which i think is a problem on the failoverside and not on the sqlserver side.


But How i can debug or fix it?

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