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Sql server 2019 Linux
Sql server 2019 Linux
Good afternoon people,
I have a difficult situation here to understand. Someone has had this problem and can help me!
I'm testing how sql server works on linux. An Ubuntu server 18.04 distribution. Test Sql Server is 2019.
I installed it as suggested by Microsoft. Until then everything working, the problem is the exchange of the port. See what a strange thing.
I broke my head two days trying to change the sql connection to port 220. Nothing working. I did a lot of research on various topics on the internet and switching ports seemed to be a very normal thing. Why my case doesn't work!
Ah, then comes the question. In desperation I changed the port to 1453 and it worked! There was a doubt why port 220 is functional when I am in a 100% Windows environment. I already took the test! Why doesn't it work on port 220 on Linux!
More desperate, I changed the port to 10 and 14 and it didn't work. I switched to ports with 2200 and 3300 and 1450 and etc and everything works!
Apparently sql is only accepting connections to ports with more than 4 digits. using 2 and 3 digit port numbers doesn't work at all. The desperation was so much, that he did the test in two installations and in two different machines!
Has anyone ever experienced this? Very strange. I'm not understanding anything!
- olafhelperBronze Contributor
Cristiano705 , this is an English spoken forum, so please post your question/issue/error message in English or to a localized forum.
- olafhelperBronze Contributor
Why doesn't it work on port 220 on Linux!
Cristiano705 , has nothing directly to do with the OS.
One IP port can be used by one application at the same time.
Port 220 is default for IMAP, see List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia
And so I simply guess, you installed on Linux a services using that IP port.
- Cristiano705Copper ContributorThank you for your help
It's a clean install. My Linux (ubuntu server 18.04) has nothing installed. A machine created for SQL Server tests.
As I didn't see much explanation for this, I also tested it with other ports, like 230, 240, 250, 888, 999 1000, and it doesn't work.
Starting from port 1024, the exchange works successfully.
I don't understand why I can't use ports below 1024, since this is possible in Windows environment.- olafhelperBronze ContributorAnd I don't understand what it could be good for using a port different then default ones, especially one below 1000?