Forum Discussion
Capturing Latest Effective Date of Current Instance of Position
I am having issues trying to formulate a JOIN statement within my query that will provide the values that I am needing for all employees. Specifically, situations where an employee held the position multiple times.
Here my current statement segment:
For my statement, I need to retrieve the latest EFFECT_DATE of the last time the employee held a specific position that matches their current position.
Please find my sample document with the EP and W tables.
My current statement works for employee A; however, for employee B it is providing the 10/16/2023 date when I need it to populate the 8/26/2024 date. Any ideas on what I can do to get the data that I need? I don't have any other fields that I can use to help refine the criteria.
- rodgerkongIron Contributor
the last time the employee held a specific position that matches their current position.
Does it means the start date that someone last time sit in the position continuous? Such as A was assigned position 7059/5 from '2022/9/19' to now without broken, so the date you need is '2022/9/19'. B was assigned position 8849/3 on '10/16/2023', but reassigned to 26041/3 on '2024/2/11', so the last time assigned to 8849/3 should be '2024/8/26'.
Is my understanding correct?- TCatron18Copper Contributor
But if B had a change to their position for 8849/3 on say '2024/11/20' we still want that '2024/8/26' date.
- rodgerkongIron Contributor
If my understanding was correct, the following steps will work. It's a little complicated.
- Identify the row at the starting point of each successive position/assignment.
- Use Recursed Query to pass the first EFFECT_DATE to the end row of each successive position/assignment.
- GROUPING by EMPLOYEE, S_DATE(start_date), POSTION and ASSIGNMENT to aggregated the successive position/assignment to one row. So far, we have start_date and end_date for each position assigned to each employee.
- GROUPING by EMPLOYEE, POSTION and ASSIGNMENT, will get final result.
Code is here ( base on your sample data )
CREATE TABLE #W ( EMPLOYEE VARCHAR(10), R_POSITION INT, WORK_ASSIGNMNT INT ); INSERT INTO #W VALUES ('A', 7059, 5) ,('B', 8849, 3); CREATE TABLE #EP ( EMPLOYEE VARCHAR(10), R_POSITION INT, WORK_ASSIGNMNT INT, EFFECT_DATE DATE, END_DATE DATE ); INSERT INTO #EP VALUES ('A', 7059, 5, '2022/9/19', '2022/9/24'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2022/9/25', '2023/6/17'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2023/6/18', '2024/1/13'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2024/1/14', '2024/2/10'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2024/2/11', '2024/3/8'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2024/3/9', '2024/3/9'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2024/3/10', '2024/4/20'), ('A', 7059, 5, '2024/4/21', '2099/12/31'), ('B', 23455, 3, '2022/6/27', '2022/6/29'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2022/6/30', '2022/8/26'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2022/8/27', '2022/8/27'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2022/8/28', '2022/10/22'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2022/10/23', '2022/12/27'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2022/12/28', '2023/6/17'), ('B', 22773, 3, '2023/6/18', '2023/10/15'), ('B', 8849, 3, '2023/10/16', '2024/2/10'), ('B', 26041, 3, '2024/2/11', '2024/3/9'), ('B', 26041, 3, '2024/3/10', '2024/4/20'), ('B', 26041, 3, '2024/4/21', '2024/8/25'), ('B', 8849, 3, '2024/8/26', '2099/12/31'); WITH CTE_PRE -- Prepare a dataset for next step of recurse, and filter the rows that should be focused. AS ( SELECT EP.* --Find the rows that is the start point of each position/assignment, mark them with HAS_LAG = 0 ,IIF(DATEADD(DAY, 1, LAG(EP.END_DATE, 1, '1900-01-01') OVER (PARTITION BY EP.EMPLOYEE, EP.R_POSITION, EP.WORK_ASSIGNMNT ORDER BY EP.EFFECT_DATE))=EP.EFFECT_DATE, 1, 0) AS HAS_LAG FROM #EP AS EP INNER JOIN (SELECT R_POSITION, WORK_ASSIGNMNT, EMPLOYEE FROM #W) W ON EP.R_POSITION = W.R_POSITION AND EP.EMPLOYEE = W.EMPLOYEE AND EP.WORK_ASSIGNMNT = W.WORK_ASSIGNMNT ), CTE --Recurse dataset to pass the start date to the end rows of each position/assignment AS ( --Anchor query, get start rows (HAS_LAG = 0) and start date (S_DATE) SELECT * , EFFECT_DATE AS S_DATE FROM CTE_PRE WHERE HAS_LAG = 0 UNION ALL --Recursed query, pass start date (S_DATE) to end rows SELECT CN.* , CTE.S_DATE FROM CTE_PRE CN INNER JOIN CTE ON CN.EMPLOYEE = CTE.EMPLOYEE AND CN.R_POSITION = CTE.R_POSITION AND CN.WORK_ASSIGNMNT = CTE.WORK_ASSIGNMNT AND CN.EFFECT_DATE = DATEADD(DAY, 1, CTE.END_DATE) ) --Get final result SELECT EMPLOYEE, R_POSITION, WORK_ASSIGNMNT ,MAX(EFFECT_DATE) AS EFFECT_DATE ,MAX(END_DATE) AS END_DATE FROM ( -- Get EFFECT_DATE and END_DATE that sit on certain position/assignment continuous SELECT EMPLOYEE, R_POSITION, WORK_ASSIGNMNT, S_DATE AS EFFECT_DATE --EFFECT_DATE which passed from first row , MAX(END_DATE) AS END_DATE FROM CTE GROUP BY EMPLOYEE, R_POSITION, WORK_ASSIGNMNT, S_DATE )F GROUP BY EMPLOYEE, R_POSITION, WORK_ASSIGNMNT ; DROP TABLE #W; DROP TABLE #EP;