Forum Discussion

securebeam1925's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 01, 2024

Hide Class template in Microsoft Teams



Our tenant is an education-tenant, where we have Academic A1 and A5-licenses.


When our users are creating a new team in Teams they are met with this view:

Is it possible to hide the templates connected to education, such as "Class", "Professional learning..", "Staff" and "Other" from the view when a user is to create a Team? Only a basic template would be needed.


As far as I can see, you can add/hide other templates via the Admin Centre, but not specifically the core templates such as "Class". Is there a way to do this?

  • Techroadie's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    I was looking to do the same for a very long time but it's not possible. I already contacted Microsoft on that topic, It's a template by designed when you have an education tenant.
