Forum Discussion
Where Cloudshell issued commands are logged?
- Apr 20, 2020
AFAIK it logs the session, user etc but not commands
Go to Log Analytics and run query
AzureActivity | where ResourceGroup startswith "CLOUD-SHELL" | extend action_ = tostring(parse_json(Authorization).action) | summarize count() by ResourceGroup , Caller , CallerIpAddress , ActivityStatusValue , ActivitySubstatusValue, CategoryValue , action_
// List sucess vs. failure AzureActivity | where ResourceGroup startswith "CLOUD-SHELL" | summarize count(ActivityStatus) by Caller, ActivityStatus
jjsantanna I'm testing to be sure...but that data should be contained in the AzureActivity table (if you have it enabled). Its going to be a bit before my data refreshes, but if you've run Cloud Shell recently, run the following query bit on its own:
search "Cloud Shell"
Rod_Trent did you test what you sent to me? your idea was the first test that I did, two weeks ago =D and NO, it doesn't work (at least not to me). And NO, it didn't show anything related Cloud Shell at AzureActivity (this was also my 'educated' guess). If you had a successful test, could you please send me a print-screen?
- Rod_TrentApr 03, 2020Microsoft
jjsantanna Yes...but I'm doing to have to dig deeper. I had never thought to figure this out prior.
It does return information about Cloud Shell, but only relation to success of storage key access for the storage component for Cloud Shell that started and succeeded. This is still a solid indicator that someone initiated Cloud Shell, but it doesn't seem to record much more than that. So, I'll keep digging.
- jjsantannaApr 17, 2020Brass Contributor
Hi Rod_Trent did you had any chance to take a look on it?
- CliveWatsonApr 20, 2020Microsoft
AFAIK it logs the session, user etc but not commands
Go to Log Analytics and run query
AzureActivity | where ResourceGroup startswith "CLOUD-SHELL" | extend action_ = tostring(parse_json(Authorization).action) | summarize count() by ResourceGroup , Caller , CallerIpAddress , ActivityStatusValue , ActivitySubstatusValue, CategoryValue , action_
// List sucess vs. failure AzureActivity | where ResourceGroup startswith "CLOUD-SHELL" | summarize count(ActivityStatus) by Caller, ActivityStatus