Forum Discussion
Jul 07, 2020Brass Contributor
TiIndicators not showing up in ThreatIntelligenceIndicator Logs
It seems that around July 2nd, 7/2/2020, 9:17:26.272 PM UTC, all of our custom TiIndicators stopped showing up in our ThreatIntelligenceIndicator logs. All of the logic apps are running successful...
Jul 15, 2020Copper Contributor
We are experiencing the same issues . I have logged a MS support ticket. Waiting for themfind resolution.
- RijutaKapoorJul 16, 2020Microsoft
MalliBoppe - Can you please provide the support ticket link? We would need the workspace id and tenant id to further investigate the issue.
- MalliBoppeJul 29, 2020Copper Contributor
RijutaKapoor I think the issue has been resolved now. I was told by teh MS engineer that the issue impacted the Australia region.
- RijutaKapoorJul 30, 2020Microsoft
MalliBoppe - Yes the issue was affecting Australian customers and now it has been resolved.
- MalliBoppeJul 22, 2020Copper Contributor
RijutaKapoorThe ticket number is 120070623000858
- RijutaKapoorJul 21, 2020Microsoft
This issue should now be resolved. Please let me know if you still see the issue persisting.
- JBUB_AcceleryntJul 21, 2020Brass ContributorThank you! We received notice yesterday that there was an ongoing issue. I will update in a few days.