Forum Discussion

ryanksmith's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 30, 2020

Query Alert Status and Assigned User

Looking to query to alerts/incidents that have not been assigned/picked up or to look at the current status (New/In Progress) to detect and alert on stale events.  I use the following query to generate a list of all the SOC events the staff are looking at but I don't not see a User or Status field, anyone have a answer or work around to this one?


SecurityAlert | where ProviderName == 'ASI Scheduled Alerts' or ProviderName == 'CustomAlertRule'
    • SocInABox's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      how do you join the incident id with the alert via kql?
      • GaryBushey's avatar
        Bronze Contributor

        SocInABox Here is some code.  The good news is that since I last replied to this threat, the SecurityIncident table was created so you don't need to do the REST calls anymore.  I took some of the KQL from the "Incident Overview" workbook and added the join.  I have found that the workbooks and existing rules provide a wealth of useful KQL code.

        Definitely not saying this code is perfect but it does work.  Have to convert the AlertIds into a string to use in the join and unfortunately you cannot do it in the join command itself.

        | where IncidentNumber == '166'
        | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,CreatedTime,Status, Severity, Owner, AdditionalData, IncidentUrl, Comments, Classification,ClassificationReason, ClassificationComment,Labels, Title, AlertIds) by IncidentNumber
        | mv-expand AlertIds
        | extend AlertIDstring = tostring(AlertIds)
        | join SecurityAlert on $left.AlertIDstring == $right.SystemAlertId


    • ryanksmith's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks GaryBushey I'll take a look, very surprised we cant query this without to jump though a bunch of hoops, I have been able in every other SIEM I have worked with. 

      • GaryBushey's avatar
        Bronze Contributor

        ryanksmith I agree, but considering the API is still not G.A. we may be able to see something to make it easier once it does.  I would love to be able to have a workbook showing me the stats of my Incidents, but I guess that is more what something like ServiceNow is for.
