Forum Discussion

endakelly's avatar
Brass Contributor
May 19, 2020

Office operations missing username

We get the odd alert through for rare office operations that doesn't seem to have any information on the user or mailbox the operation was performed on.


I suspect this may be because the user or mailbox in question has been deactivated but I cannot be sure. We have other logs showing the usernames properly.


Here is a sample of an Add-MailboxPermission command that demonstrates this (data has been scrubbed):

"Name": "Identity",
"Value": "mailbox the permissions will allow access to"
"Name": "User",
"Value": "<Organisation Exchange Id>\\$001ABC-D12EF3GH4I56" - this normally shows a username
"Name": "AccessRights",
"Value": "FullAccess"
"Name": "InheritanceType",
"Value": "All"


Does anyone know what this $001ABC-D12EF3GH4I56 parameter is called and how I could map it to an actual user? I cannot seem to find a matching string in Exchange properties.
