Forum Discussion
KQL Queries: Fortinet
- Jan 23, 2023
Maybe look at ASIM,
1. Look at the ASIM parser for Fortigate, to get some of the Columns you may need in a normalized way (you may want to adopt the column naming to get your finished query aligned to ASIM now - that way if Forti release a parser you are probably virtually ready to use it).2. look at the other DNS ASIM parsers, whilst there isn't one for Forti (yet), you may get some ideas.
3. Also look at the DNS Queries that use ASIM Azure-Sentinel/Detections/ASimDNS at master · Azure/Azure-Sentinel (
Many are now enabled by default - thanks to Microsoft. Look in Sentinel --> Logs
Most ASIM parsers are duplicated, one starts with _IM_ ,and the other style _ASim_ The difference is that the _IM_ version allows parameter to be passed (you can see which parameters when you hover over the name), you can also use the function or load the function code to see what its doing!
Sorry mate, I actually do know what you mean. Thanks for the clarification though. Much appreciated.