Forum Discussion

James_McLaren's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 31, 2022

KQL - merging field values

Morning all,


I have data where there are 20-30 distinct values, and I want to group the data into a smaller number of groups. As an example:


Hostname  Events

GGPC-01    5

GGPC-02    12

JEPC-01     50

JEPC-02     20


I want to associate all hostnames starting with GG to the value "Guernsey PCs" and all starting with JE to the value Jersey PCs, so I can produce a table like this:


Grouped Hostname   Events

Guernsey PCs             17

Jersey PCs                  70


I'm sure this must have been done before (the reason I want to do this is for readability when the query's exported into PowerBI), but can't find a solution. Any pointers appreciated!





  • Clive_Watson's avatar
    May 31, 2022
    Sorry, this is quite hard to visualize, without seeing your example. Are you using, something like this KQL (not sure where the hostname is coming from in this data though).

    | summarize Events=count() by ServicePrincipalName, bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)

    Is this something you can mock up in a datatable (like in my first example)?
  • Clive_Watson's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    One idea

    let a = datatable(Hostname:string, Events:int)
    | summarize JerseyPCs   = sumif(Events, Hostname startswith "JE"),
                GuernseyPCs = sumif(Events, Hostname startswith "GG")
    | evaluate narrow()
    | project-away Row
    | project-rename GroupedHostname = Column, Events = Value 


    • James_McLaren's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Clive,

      That's a helpful starting point. The real thing is a Sentinel table and is rather bigger and more complex than the example: can I pull the data into the summarization from that?
      • Clive_Watson's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        Just trim it down, and add your Table name

        <enter name of table here>
        | summarize JerseyPCs = sumif(Events, Hostname startswith "JE"),
        GuernseyPCs = sumif(Events, Hostname startswith "GG")
