Forum Discussion

rpargman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 19, 2020

Export and Import Saved Queries and Functions from one Sentinel Workspace to Another

I have been getting so much value out of Azure Sentinel, custom log types, and custom functions to parse logs and make them easy to query in KQL (I have Sysmon, Suricata and Zeek among others). I've spent a lot of time creating and fine-tuning saved queries and functions in one workspace, and now I'd like to easily export all of those saved queries and functions into another workspace.


So much of Sentinel is built on APIs, it seems like there should be a programatic way to export these into a json structure (or something) and then import those into another workspace, but I can't find it in the documentation. I know that I can take these one at a time, copy and paste from one workspace into another. That would be OK with one or two custom functions, but I have over 30. I'd like to automate this if possible. Does anyone know a way to get that done? I'm comfortable with writing custom code if needed.

  • pemontto's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    rpargmanI had to do this the other day


    # Get-AzContext -ListAvailable
    # Set the source workspace
    Set-AzContext -Subscription "<Source Subscription>"
    $ResourceGroup = "<Source RG>"
    $WorkspaceName = "<Source WorkSpace"
    # Only export saved queries from these categories
    $Categories = ("sec", "usage", "proxy", "win", "o365")
    $ExportedSearches = (Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName).Value.Properties | Where-Object { $Categories -contains $_.Category }
    # Set the destination workspace
    Set-AzContext -Subscription "<Dest Subscription>"
    $ResourceGroup = "<Dest RG>"
    $WorkspaceName = "<Dest WorkSpace"
    # Import Saved Searches
    foreach ($search in $ExportedSearches) {
        $id = $search.Category + "|" + $search.DisplayName
        New-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch -Force -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName -SavedSearchId $id -DisplayName $search.DisplayName -Category $search.Category -Query $search.Query -Version $search.Version
    • SocInABox's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      This is very useful, but I'd appreciate some help doing this slightly differently please:
      1. dump searches to a file
      2. import the file back to sentinel (say after making some changes)
      Get-AzOp.... > outfile
      New-AzOp... < outfile


      I can't  figure out the correct format for outfile and I don't know the import command using a file.

      • pemontto's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        SocInABox just use JSON to serialise it:


        export-searches.ps1 (./export-searches.ps1 myRG myWorkspace > searches.json)


        $ResourceGroup =  $args[0]
        $WorkspaceName =  $args[1]
        (Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName).Value.Properties | ConvertTo-Json




        You can easily add, remove, update queries in the JSON file then:

        import-searches.ps1 (./import-searches.ps1 myRG myWorkspace searches.json)


        $ResourceGroup =  $args[0]
        $WorkspaceName =  $args[1]
        $InputFile = $args[2]
        foreach ($search in  Get-Content $InputFile | ConvertFrom-Json) {
            $id = $search.Category + "|" + $search.DisplayName
            Write-Output "Importing $($search.DisplayName) ($($search.Category))"
            New-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch -Force -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -WorkspaceName $WorkspaceName -SavedSearchId $id -DisplayName $search.DisplayName -Category $search.Category -Query $search.Query -Version $search.Version




