Forum Discussion
Mar 21, 2023Iron Contributor
Preset policies have suddenly started notifying users of quarantined messages
Hi all. We have been using preset policies (standard and strict) for some time and were happy with the fact that they don't notify users of messages which have been quarantined (and nor is it possib...
- Mar 25, 2023MC505088
Mar 24, 2023Copper Contributor
OzOscroft The "Apply quarantine policy" option has changed from "AdminOnlyAccessPolicy" to "DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy" in the action section of you Anti-Phishing Policy:
NOTE: There are several of these dropdown boxes.
- OzOscroftMar 27, 2023Iron Contributor
Thanks WDebruyne . However, we're using the Strict and Standard preset policies which do not allow you to change (or even see) which quarantine policy is being applied. The only other policies in use are the default ones, but standard and strict take precedence so they wouldn't come into play (even so, I've checked the defaults and they're set to AdminOnlyAccessPolicy anyway). This is why I suspect Microsoft have changed the configuration of the notifications and there's nothing we can do about it.