Forum Discussion

Shubham kumar's avatar
Shubham kumar
Copper Contributor
Dec 05, 2018

Azure AD Application Proxy

Hi All,

I have published on premises apps. User is getting the login page but when they login it's showing error 

Could Not be resolved because : net: :ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.

I have checked internal URL is working but when i trying to login with external network it's showing above error.



Shubham Kumar Singh

  • After login, is the user redirected to another hostname? This host may not be published.

  • Are the URL used resolvable both internally and externally?   It looks to me like your DNS-server on the internal network resolve the URL, but not on the internet? 

    Verify with nslookup in both situations?  

  • Are the URL used resolvable both internally and externally? It looks to me like your DNS-server on the internal network resolve the URL, but not on the internet? Verify with nslookup in both situations? That should help resolving this error.
