Forum Discussion

mthibodeaux's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 10, 2020

Using Logic Apps to trigger Work Items in DevOps from triggers in Azure Security Center.

Dear Colleagues, 


I am looking for a workflow that is triggered from anything in Azure Security Center (reccomendations first) to a new bug or issue in Azure DevOps. Right after this there is a trigger in Teams that a new item is an issue to work on. The team works in Teams and accomplished the tasking inside of Azure DevOps. 

  • dolivapa's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Did you get the Logic App to work with Azure DevOps?

  • mthibodeaux's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    1. Reccomendations do get delivered to a Mail Account

    2. Reccomendations do get delivered to a Team Channel

    2a. item in Team channel can be linked to an existing DevOps issue but is not able to open a new one. 


    3. Faulted...Reccomendation to get delivered to Azure DevOps Work Item did not work.


    The new item would be nice to raise an issue in work items and then notify a teams channel.

    • yoavfrancis's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Hi mthibodeaux,


      Does the Logic App Azure DevOps trigger does not work for you?


      It should allow you to achieve what you need.



      Yoav Francis

      Senior Program Manager, Azure Security Center

      • mthibodeaux's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        yoavfrancisThanks for your response so I have tried it in several variations and an initial one worked but here is how it is confirgured:


        Step 1: Use App --> When an Azure Security Center Recommendation is created or triggered


        Step 2:

        Azure DevOps App: Create a work item



        O365 App: Send an email (V2)

        MS Teams App: Post a message (V3)



        The mail and the teams one works but the Azure DevOps one does not. Any chance that I am doing something incorrect?



