Forum Discussion

Salam_ELIAS's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 26, 2024

Huge difference between Defender overview and Graph explorer Kusto

In Defender overview going to recommandation or posture, we have something completely different when we use the Kusto in graph explorer as indicated at


Tracking your secure score - Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Microsoft Learn

| where type == ''
| extend current = properties.score.current, max = todouble(properties.score.max)
| project subscriptionId, current, max, percentage = ((current / max)*100)


In defender overview, we have 


but the kusto returns something that is really not clear and not very useful especially when we Click on details


So can you please let us know what is the relation between those 2 and if there is a Kusto statement that allows to see and download the same thing as we see in Defender? Thanks

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