Forum Discussion
Jun 16, 2022Silver Contributor
Cost Estimation workbook
How can I tell if we have the new Cost Estimation workbook? this says that one was deprecated Microsoft-Defender-for-Cloud/Workbooks/Microsoft Defender for Cloud Price Estimation at main · Azure/Microsoft-Defender-for-Cloud · GitHub.
I am seeing duplicate resources which makes me wonder if we have the correct one or if there is a bug
- The 'Coverage' tab has become a separate built-in workbook.
- StanislavBelov
The new cost estimation workbook is now part of the built-in gallery which means its available to all MDC users and you don't need to deploy anything from GitHub .- Dean_GrossSilver Contributor
StanislavBelov Thanks, that is my understanding, but I am not seeing the correct workbook, As shown below mine does not have the Coverage tab which is shown in the image in the documentation so I am confused.
- StanislavBelov
The 'Coverage' tab has become a separate built-in workbook.