Forum Discussion

Valon_Kolica's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Dec 02, 2020

Azure Defender for SQL Server is now Generally Available

We are delighted to announce that Azure Defender for SQL Server is now Generally Available for protecting SQL databases on premises, in Azure VMs and in multi-cloud deployments, allowing customers to constantly monitors their SQL servers outside Azure for known vulnerabilities and threats.


Watch Azure Defender for SQL Server in action
We invite you to watch the following short video to see how Azure Defender for SQL can help organizations avoid, detect, and respond to popular attacks on their SQL servers which are commonly observed in the wild. Learn more on the Introduction to Azure Defender for SQL page.

  • greendx's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Valon_Kolica Can you help me understand Azure Defender pricing for SQL server? Azure Defender for SQL servers on machines lists both $15/Server/Month and $0.015/Core/Hour. $0.015/Core/Hour works out to $10.95/month per core.


    Does this mean that it would cost $25.95/month ($10.95 + $15) for Azure defender for a 1 Core VM running SQL? 



