Forum Discussion

YairVC's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 11, 2024

Defender consumption at endpoint

I would like to know the average consumption of memory (RAM, CPU), required space, processor, processor resources for endpoints in the defender execution.

  • G_Wilson3468's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    YairVC I agree with jbmartin6 on this one. No one can give you exact amounts, but I think it's helpful to look to general operation consumptions. 

    Allow me to elaborate a bit here. 

    In my experience,

    Defender uses an average amount of RAM roughly 100MB, this can swing wildly depending on architecture and data sizes. 

    CPU use is usually around 5%-10%, but if Defender is mitigating a threat or scanning then 20%-30%. 

    Disk space is sufficient with a few GBs.

    These are general observations just to point you in the right direction. Again jbmartin6 is correct if you need exact numbers. 

  • jbmartin6's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    This question is almost impossible to answer. There are so many options and different configurations that affect the outcome.
