Forum Discussion

EdmondNader's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 18, 2023

AddOrRemoveTagForMultipleMachines api limitation when machine id doesn't exist



I have noticed when using the Defender for endpoint api for AddOrRemoveTagForMultipleMachines that the whole task fails to add/remove tag if one of the device IDs array is inactive or not found anymore


is there a way to skip the ID ( inactive or not found) instead of the whole request to fail and not tagging any other valid ones?



  • jbmartin6's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    Pull the list of all your devices using the devices API and then check that all your device IDs are valid before submitting a request to AddOrRemoveTagForMultipleMachines
    • EdmondNader's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank for your suggestion
      I was thinking of the same but pulling all our device IDs take long time and reach the count limit if we are using the List machines API, so this will encounter in more API calls

      the main aim of using the bulk tagging instead of individual API call is do reduce the overall API calls for the needed
      • jbmartin6's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Just getting the list of all machines is just one request. It only takes a few seconds for our 3000 machines. Just using the 'machines' API with no filter returns all machines, though it was a page limit of 10k so if you have more than that you would use one API call per page. Should still be well within the limit. You can use a oData query in the API request to only get machines in an Active state or any other way you want to narrow the results down.
