Forum Discussion
Hide Group email from global address list
- Aug 04, 2016
Setwart you can do so via PowerShell: Set-UnifiedGroup -Id Group -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True
What if I wanted to prevent email from going to a group and have it redirected or auto reply to the sender?
Problem is we have an email group centraldispatch~ and it's very similar to Centralizeddispatch~ so people are finding and using the wrong one and now I fear it's saved to some of the users Outlook clients quick address autofills.
- mco365Nov 21, 2017Iron Contributor
You could actually restrict sending messages to a particular group to only designated people
Using PS
Set-UnifiedGroup <group> -AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers <group>
- Tammy MillerJan 24, 2018Copper Contributor
I am also looking for a way to hide the email address of an Office 365 Group. I was also hoping to find a way to forward emails sent to an Office 365 Group email address to a different user, however, there doesn't appear to be a way to do this. Restricting who can send to the group would be a second option. I restricted sending to the Office 365 group to a specific group that I am not a member of. I sent a test email to this group and it did not reach the group, however, I did not receive any sort of notice that the email did not go through to the group. I was expecting either a message at the time of sending or a bounce back message. I would want the person sending to a restricted group to receive some sort of message.