Forum Discussion
Stewart Davies
Aug 04, 2016Copper Contributor
Hide Group email from global address list
I have some o365 groups created though sds for classroom. The groups are private but they appear in the global address list. Is there a way to prevent this and hide them?
- Aug 04, 2016
Setwart you can do so via PowerShell: Set-UnifiedGroup -Id Group -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True
Setwart you can do so via PowerShell: Set-UnifiedGroup -Id Group -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True
Eric Zenz
Aug 12, 2016Microsoft
Note that a group hidden from the GAL may appear in a few other places - notably planner. If your students are only using OWA/SP parts of groups, the method Christophe suggested is good.