Forum Discussion
Hide Group email from global address list
- Aug 04, 2016
Setwart you can do so via PowerShell: Set-UnifiedGroup -Id Group -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True
Setwart you can do so via PowerShell: Set-UnifiedGroup -Id Group -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $True
cfiessinger, is there a way to bulk hide private groups. The command listed below works for one at a time. Thanks!
- DeletedFeb 07, 2018
Your best bet for accomplishing this en-masse is to export the groups via PS and put the ones you want to hide into a CSV or txt file with the ID or name, or Identity property. Then use get-content or import-csv and use set-unifiedgroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true property for them all at once.
Here's a CMDLET I use to do the export for my tenant. (more info than you need, but it's nice to have a complete report, as well as see all of the attributes you can manage)
Get-UnifiedGroup -resultsize unlimited | select DisplayName,Name,Identity,Id,AccessType,ManagedBy,RecipientType,RecipientTypeDetails,MailTip,GroupMemberCount,GroupExternalMemberCount,PrimarySmtpAddress,ModerationEnabled,HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled,IsMailboxConfigured,ManagedByDetails,Notes,SharePointSiteUrl,SharePointDocumentsUrl,SharePointNotebookUrl,WelcomeMessageEnabled,AutoSubscribeNewMembers,AlwaysSubscribeMembersToCalendarEvents,CalendarMemberReadOnly,CalendarUrl,HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled,InboxUrl,Classification,GroupPersonification,YammerEmailAddress,AllowAddGuests,WhenSoftDeleted,SendModerationNotifications,ModeratedBy,GroupType,IsDirSynced,AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom,AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers,AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers,AdministrativeUnits,Alias,GrantSendOnBehalfTo,PoliciesIncluded,PoliciesExcluded,EmailAddressPolicyEnabled,IsExternalResourcesPublished,ProvisioningOption,ConnectorsEnabled,IsMembershipDynamic | export-csv .\O365GroupsReport.csv -NoTypeInformation
- Jeffrey AllenFeb 08, 2018Silver Contributor
Thanks Deleted for this! I'll give it a try.
- DeletedApr 20, 2018
Jeffrey Allen you can also try Get-UnifiedGroup | Where-Object {$_.AccessType -eq 'Private'} | Set-UnifiedGroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true
this will hide all private groups
- Tammy WoodsJun 19, 2018Copper Contributor
Can you elaborate on this process?
"Then use get-content or import-csv and use set-unifiedgroup -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true property for them all at once."
What is the full command you would use with import-csv, for example.
- JTINKJan 30, 2019Copper Contributor
Great post, Thanks! I am now using this to audit my 365 Groups. I found several users were creating groups before we locked it down.
- Alessandro GrandinettiApr 03, 2019Copper Contributor
is it possible to hide the Groups from the GAL but still be able to see the Group via the Group Browsing funcionality in Outlook?