Forum Discussion
Jim Van Eaton
Jul 21, 2016Hello from the Office 365 Groups Engineering Team
Hi everyone! I am the Group Engineering Manager for O365 groups. I will be encouraging more of my engineers to participate in this forum to help answer questions and share solutions. Let the...
Aug 04, 2016Bronze Contributor
Where is the best spot to understand upcoming features of Groups? The Roadmap?
Aug 04, 2016Rob it depends, for forward looking view on what we are working on you can look at as we get closer to releasing feature we tend to blog about and then release documentation as well. Note we'll have a number of Groups sessions at Ignite next month and these will be made publically available afterwards.
- DeletedAug 30, 2016
Personally I am struggling to understand when you would use Groups over a team site over a Yammer group.
I was under the impression creating a Group would create a team site and a TeamSite would create a group (moving forward). I also understand that Groups are simply a SP team site dumbed down that also takes a little of other features from Office 365.
In order for me to be fully sold on groups I want to know where groups will be in 6 months time. Will they be fully fledged team sites with SPO feature set or are they going to be there own entity completely. Issue being silo'd information and how content can flow from Group to TeamSites so content is surfaced through aggregation or search.
We need a way to have quick creation of areas for collaboration on a team level (Co-Authoring, conversations, etc) then a way to make that flow to a Global area (Global INtranet made of Team sites) for the consumption across the Organisation. My first thoughts were Teamsites at a Global level, then below the Team site with a Yammer group attached etc giving the conversation function through the Yammer embedd/App on phones. Then by simply having a IA implemented using that and Approval workflows to push content up.
I would love to hear any input the community can give me, I am all ears because I really want this to work based on the Business Requreiments and not what we want the Business to use (Technology lead). Althouh Office 365 is the Platform we are going to use or already using :).
Many thanks and I look forward to your constructive feedback.
- Alexander TihmeSep 20, 2016Brass Contributor
we have been using the MS cloud offering since BPOS times. We're a system integrator. Our work is customer / project centric and becoming more more recurring. We're in the midst of our digital transformation.
We're a 60+ employees company in 4 locations in Germany. Our main customer base ranges between 1000 and 30.000 seats and is usually resembled internationally. Our revnue is 60% cloud based. Just to give you some background information for context reason.
Our users are using mordern groups as project spaces, departmental or team spaces, technical spaces or just topic based spaces. Most of our customers in Germany are still stuck on single Office 365 services. So the need or the ability to use Modern Groups doesn't exist. Unfortunately! Personally as a long time SharePoint architect I'd propose to use the same methodology for planning an information architecture as we've been using it for SP for years. I'd love to see parameters that give us the ability to create modern groups modular. For example just the modern group without ODFB or Yammer or Planner, because I agree that finding the information you need is still key when thinking about where to put the information in the first place.
Just some thoughts from my side
k. g.
- RobOKAug 08, 2016Bronze Contributor
Thanks cfiessinger! I am in particular wanting to know how Calendars in O365 Groups will work. See this thread on the Yammer-side: (you are already in that thread, but connecting the dots).
I would like the calendar to be Group-specific meetings and milestones that can then be pulled into your own personal calendar (vs. the current function shows the collected calendars of all members of the group concatenated).
I will keep my eye out for Ignite presentations, but if anyone on the Engineering Team has any insight on how Group Calendars will ultimately work, that would be good for me to know now.