Forum Discussion
Enhancements to O365 Groups Calendar in Outlook - Never miss an event sent to a group.
- Jan 26, 2017
Ivan54 - It is unlikely since we are just beggining the rollout of this feature to have impacted what you are saying. Also, when a group event is created in O365 group, currently, only the users who have subscribed to messages from that group would get that in their Inbox and it would show up in their calendar. In other words, unless the calendar invite lands somewhere in the user mailbox, it wouldnt show up in their calendar. Is it possible that the members are subscribed to the messages and may have missed the invite or it went to another folder?
I have set up some of my clients to use an O365 Group for a shared mailbox (eg. and a shared calendar, which is primarily used for keeping track of appointments with their customers, etc.
All staff need to access and update the shared calendar, but only a few need to check the inbox.
In theory this scenario works, however not all appointments that get entered into the group calendar appear in everyone else's copy of the shared calendar within Outlook 2016. If they un-check the box to display the group calendar and re-check it (or restart Outlook), viola - the appointments sync.
I have tried different settings via the tenancy Admin (eg. making all group members also owners) but it doesn't make any difference.
Am I missing something, or is this a known problem?