Forum Discussion
Robert Lien
Mar 03, 2017Brass Contributor
Default share when sharing online files in Outlook online
Hi, I noticed that when I attach a online file in Outlook online sending to an Office 365 Group, the default share permission on that online file is everyone in the organization. How can I chang...
Mar 07, 2017Robert thanks for the feedback. This is by design today since the intent was to give you the ability to email the file to others that are NOT group members (hence the default sharing to the entire organization (you can change the permissions to Recipients can edit or Recipients can view).
What did you expect from the Email action in the files view?
- VasilMichevMar 07, 2017MVP
cfiessinger the right-click functionality or the Email are cool additions, we're not complaining about these. It's the difference in permissions that's causing some confusion. If you have a Private group and attach a file from OneDrive "the regular way" (compose a new message, press the attachments button, browse to the file), it gets automatically permissoned to the recipients only. This works the same way in OWA or Outlook, and it matches my expectations for such functionality.
If you use the new method via the Email button/right-click menu, even for Private groups it gets scoped down to everyone in the company. Personally, I'd prefer to have the exact same behavior as the older method, and it definitely makes sense to me to scope it only to the recipients if you are in Private group. So there should still be no problem for anyone that is intended to access the file, while still keeping the file, well, Private.
In both cases, we can still change the permissions manually, so it's not that big of a deal. But having different permissions applied can be confusing.
- Salvatore BiscariMar 07, 2017Silver Contributor
As I already said, I cannot reproduce the difference you are seeing.
In fact, for me, in both cases (i.e. "the regular way" and via the Email button/right-click menu) the attachment from a private Group gets the "Anyone in my organization can edit" permission as default.
- VasilMichevMar 07, 2017MVP
Well, one of us is not using the latest updates. Pretty sure it's me in the case of Outlook, as I'm on FR for Deferred and havent pushed the Feb build yet, but I also get the same experience in OWA.
Just tried it again, and it again gets scoped to "recipients" in both OWA and Outlook using the "regular" method.
- Robert LienMar 07, 2017Brass Contributor
Hi Christopher,
Thanks for your answer.
I would fully expect that the default be edit for those within the group, especially since the group is a private group. For public group I can understand if the default was entire organization, but not for a private. normally when I would communicate within the group, I would normally intend for only the group to have edit permissions.
From your feedback, it seems that the common behaviour for email is to communicate with those NOT in a group, but I think the normal purpose for communicating with email links would be to specific group members, or entire group.
As a follow-up question, is there any way for me to change the default for my own tenant? using powershell. If not, I would request that the default be changed to edit permission for the recipient of the email.