Forum Discussion

JakobRohde's avatar
Iron Contributor
Aug 21, 2017

Adding Azure AD groups to Office 365 groups

Is it, one way or the other, possible to add groups from Azure AD to a Office 365 group? Or is it possible to make an Azure AD group (synced from AD) behave as an Office 365 Group? The reason I ask, is because I want to use this group in Stream.

  • You cannot nest other Group types inside of O365 Group. The Stream relationship with Groups is unfortunate in this regards...

  • You cannot nest other Group types inside of O365 Group. The Stream relationship with Groups is unfortunate in this regards...

    • Mihir Yelamanchili's avatar
      Mihir Yelamanchili
      Brass Contributor
      I am having a azure AD group which contains 100 members. Instead of adding 100 members as group members, i want to add azure AD as group member. But while searching for group it is not giving me azure AD group. Azure AD doesn't have email, is that the reason?
    • Gijs Beldman's avatar
      Gijs Beldman
      Copper Contributor

      When I’m in Azure AD and I create a group there I have the ability to enable Office functions. When I do this, I have a Group. This G(g)roup has the same functionalities as a Group made in the O365 portal. However, I can now also use the G(g)roup, made in Azure AD, for the license piece.

      When I compare in PowerShell a group created in Azure AD and in the O365 Portal, I do not see any differences except the alias.

      How can I see the difference between a G(g)roup made in Azure AD and a Group made in the O365 Portal.

      • VasilMichev's avatar

        You have to be more specofic here, both places allow you to create a variety of group types. The easiest way to tell the group type via PowerShell is to check the recipienttypedetails proerty, but that's only available for groups recognized by Exchange Online.
