Forum Discussion
Nov 15, 2017Former Employee
The new Azure AD sign-in and “Keep me signed in” experiences rolling out now!
We're excited to announce that the general availability rollout of the new Azure AD sign-in and “Keep me signed in” experiences has started! These experiences should reach all users globally by the e...
Nov 17, 2017Steel Contributor
Three remarks on the new experience:
1. Spelling mistake (in Dutch translation, a period in the middle of a sentence)
2. The checkbox in the KMSI dialog is confusing (don't show this again). Does it make me stay logged in even longer when I select Yes and thick the checbox?
3. When I choose "Yes" in my regular browser session, open a private session, enter a different account in the private session. I get logged in with the account of the regular session anyway, no matter the account I filled in. Is this by design?
Michael Kostuch
Nov 17, 2017Copper Contributor
We want this turned off, anyone know how?
- Kelvin XiaNov 17, 2017
Hi Michael, you can turn this off by setting "Show option to remain signed in" in Company Branding to "No". Here's the help article for that: Michael KostuchNov 21, 2017Copper Contributor
We had Microsoft turn ours off at the tenant level until a better plan could be put in place. The problem with Company branding is: 1.) It's a global setting 2.) It can affect Sharepoint Online users and Office 2010 users (and we had just moved over 30K sharepoint sites to Sharepoint Online, so I didn't want to interrupt their experience for my experience with Power BI to work, 3.) Even as a global admin, we could not delete the company branding. The delete button would not highlight and we verified our permissions. We could turn it on or off for KMSI, but we could not delete company branding 4.) We found the KMSI box "Don't ask me again doesn't work" either. It only stays for the session, so to the user they think they should never have to see it again. 5.) We were told we could add a parameter to the Web app to turn this off in the code, so we are pursuing this now as our permanent solution, but for now our customers can function again with KMSI.
- HarishMendaApr 01, 2019Copper ContributorWhat is the parameter you added, to make this change at tenant app level rather than global company branding level.