Forum Discussion
Art Hogarth
Apr 24, 2020Populate preferedDataLocation thru Ad Connect based on C, CO, or Country Code attributes?
Hey all,
Is it possible to use a transformation rule in AD Connect to use the C, CO, or Country Code field to populate the preferredDatalocation (PDL) attribute? I know you can use expression...
Apr 24, 2020MVP
You can simply use the msDS-preferredDataLocation attribute, or follow the same procedure to configure a custom one:
- Art HogarthApr 24, 2020
Thanks Vasil, I tired to convince them this was the right way to do it, but they do not populate this when accounts are provisioned, so they would like a rule to to look at another attribute (C, CO, Country Code) and transform that value into the correct 3 letter code for PDL. I feel doing it at account creation is the way to go, but it seems we should be able to use an expression to change a value and populate the PDL.
- VasilMichevApr 24, 2020MVP
Same principle applies, you just need to adjust the "transform" part of the rules detailed in the article.
- Art HogarthApr 24, 2020
VasilMichev That's exactly what I am trying to figure out 🙂 It would be much easier in PowerShell, but trying to figure out the expression language to look at the attribute and transform it to one of 6 or 7 different possible codes is where I am getting stuck. 🙂