Forum Discussion

CG-1717's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 12, 2019

Dynamic DL or group based on org hierarchy?

Is there a way to create a dynamic DL or group based on org hierarchy? For example if the Global HR Director wants to communicate to everyone in HR...

As of right now because of a recent acquisition, the data we have for users is not too accurate (department, business unit, etc) but people have been "assigned" to the right managers. 


Any way to do this?.



  • If you need a dynamic DL, those exist only in Exchange Online (not Azure AD) and you must use the Exchange cmdlets:


    New-DynamicDistributionGroup manager -RecipientFilter {(Manager -eq 'CN=user,,OU=Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations,DC=EURPR03A001,DC=prod,DC=outlook,DC=com') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')}

    where you need to provide the full DN of the manager.


    • jerome317's avatar
      Brass Contributor


      VasilMichev wrote:

      If you need a dynamic DL, those exist only in Exchange Online (not Azure AD) and you must use the Exchange cmdlets:


      New-DynamicDistributionGroup manager -RecipientFilter {(Manager -eq 'CN=user,,OU=Microsoft Exchange Hosted Organizations,DC=EURPR03A001,DC=prod,DC=outlook,DC=com') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox')}

      where you need to provide the full DN of the manager.


      VasilMichev- you can do it in Azure AD with the 'modern DL' called Office365 Groups haha using Microsoft verbiage here!

      • VasilMichev's avatar

        I know you can, but using dynamic membership for "modern" groups is *paid* functionality, as in requires Azure AD Premium licensing. While using good old fashioned dynamic DGs in Exchange Online is free.

  • jerome317's avatar
    Brass Contributor



    You should be able to do an advanced dynamic rule... (condition1) or (condition2) and (accountenabled = true).



    Create a "Direct reports" rule

    You can create a group containing all direct reports of a manager. When the manager's direct reports change in the future, the group's membership is adjusted automatically.

    The direct reports rule is constructed using the following syntax:

    Direct Reports for "{objectID_of_manager}"

    Here's an example of a valid rule where "62e19b97-8b3d-4d4a-a106-4ce66896a863" is the objectID of the manager:

    Direct Reports for "62e19b97-8b3d-4d4a-a106-4ce66896a863"


