Forum Discussion
Community Manager
Oct 11, 2018Yes It's Real! The Champions Community Call will be on October 17th
Hello O365 Champions!
We have resolved our technical difficulties and returned from Ignite and we have so much great stuff for you! Our Champion's call will proceed at both 8am and 5pm on October 17th. Our agenda will include:
- Introduction and program overview
- Status on country expansion
- Truth from the Trenches: Managing Adoption Blockers
- Preview of O365 Adoption Kit materials releasing later this month
Use the following links to join our call:
8am Pacific Call -
5pm Pacific Call -
We will monitor this forum in case any of you have difficulties. Feel free to ask any questions in advance of our meeting. Meeting materials will always be posted here shortly after the meeting but we hope you join us in person so we can get to know you.
The team and I are excited about this community and all you have to share! Talk to you on the 17th.
Really looking forward to it, especially the preview of the Adoption Guide.
- Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT
Community Manager
Hello All - Two links for you:
1. Link to the deck and recording for this October meeting is here:
2. Link to the Preview of the Day in the Life Quick Sheets is here:
- Deleted
Hi Karuana and fellow champions,
I was thinking of this requirement in the context of how the champions call might have been organised.
In my organisation we are looking to host introductory Q&A presentations for all our employees over the course of a week (for OneDrive). We are hosting one session in the more morning and one in the afternoon.
We are looking to have a set maximum number (50) of people in each session (i.e. not everyone in the organisation can book into the same session)
Some have suggested going the Eventbrite route (though this won't stop someone booking into multiple sessions). Is there an alternative option in O365 that we could use to ensure staff can reserve a place in each session until we hit a max figure? Would Microsoft Bookings scale to meet this use case?
Edit: I've done some basic testing with Microsoft Bookings and I can confirm that it won't meet our requirement in this case. It's a neat tool though.
- Danä DeVolBrass Contributor
I participated in the 2nd call yesterday. It was very engaging and informative. I am eager to get my hands on the documents. I am the Office 365/Teams evangelist for our company, so all this is very helpful.
- Steven OspreyCopper Contributor
Hi All, Missed the call, any links to a recording?
The recordings are available via the same links as the calls:
8am Pacific Call -
5pm Pacific Call -
- Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT
Community Manager
Michael Blumenthal - HI Michael.. this is incorrect.. these links for recordings will not work. Please use the single link from my post that will be available with no login required.
- Adrian BignellBrass Contributor
Living in the United Kingdom, I was hoping to join the AM call (16:00 British Summer Time). As it turned out I was driving at this time. So, I made a decision to set my alarm for 00:45 and join the PM call (01:00 BST). I am so glad that I did.
I left the hour feeling inspired. It was not only the content that inspired me, but Karuana herself. Here is someone who demonstrated in one hour all the qualities of a champion. I saw confidence in her own knowledge, a communication style that was easy to follow and engaged the audience, and an enthusiasm and passion for the subject. I aspire to be all of these and others. So thank you Karuana.
I will review the recordings and content again because there was so much on offer and in it were some real gems.
I am excited to be a part of the Champions program and look forward to the next stages of our journey.
- Deleted
I missed today's call, please share the recording and pdf files.
- Darla ShumateCopper Contributor
I tried to get on but all my Teams did was spin....I hope to be able to see the session.
- Alison DorsaBrass Contributor
Thank you so much for the call this evening. I am very excited to earn the adoption specialist certification once it is available. I am excited for the kits and "Day in the Life" PDFs. It is a great time to be a change agent in an organization that uses Microsoft products!
- cgreen1Steel Contributor
Wonderful speaker and very helpful contents in this session. I was especially excited to hear about the upcoming certification program as a Microsoft Adoption Specialist. Thank you
- Peter McdermottIron Contributor
Thank you so much for hosting the call and sharing these wonderful resources with us. I'm so excited to be a part of this community.
I was reading through some of the comments and recognized that it will be difficult to schedule these calls at a time that meets the needs of everyone's schedule and time zones. With competing priorities, I'd love to be able to consume this content, but if it is going to be one-way discussion, it may be more efficient to consume it through on-demand video as opposed to a scheduled call. This would give us all access to the content at the same time, leveling the field for those in different time zones and allowing viewers to focus on the content at a convenient and quiet time.
Hope you don't mind this suggestion, would love to hear anyone else's thoughts!Hi Peter Mcdermott. I think the current delivery method is the best of both worlds. Those who can make the live call can ask questions in the Q&A panel. The facilitator and moderators answer them during and at the conclusion of the session. Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT fit her content to 45min and left time for answering questions. I'm sure it was much easier for her using the Q&A panel than filtering through the IM window of a Skype call (ignoring all the unrelated chatter.)
For those who can't make the call, the recording and slides will be shared in the 'Champions Corner', further enriched by the questions asked in the live session. We will all receive the slides at the same time. I don't envisage any content will have limitations such as limited sign-ups or exclusivity to those who join the live call.
The main challenge will be for those watching the recording to put the time in your calendar and discipline yourself to watch it, as if you were attending the meeting live. So often we try to multi-task and treat it like a podcast, missing important concepts and talking points. When we treat reviewing a meeting recording like a live meeting and give it the attention it deserves, we benefit from planned content and Q&A inspired discussion too.
- jo_johnstone
Great session, looking forward to the next session