Forum Discussion

Monteby's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 18, 2021

Adoptions guides in French

Is anyone aware of the existance of  the following ressources Champion – Microsoft Adoption been available in French. I'm reffering to the Adoption Documents for OneDrive, Teams, Sharepoint and Outlook mobile.  I need to have any final user documentation publish in French and English.


Thank you in advanced

  • NBIgnited's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I am also looking for this. Pages are in French but all the handouts are in English. Has this been updated since 2021?
  • Monteby's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Can anyone tell me if they have stumble on the different adoptions tools in French. Here is an example of the one for Teams: Ideally I will like to see it in French. Not just the page itseflt but the different documents and templates.
    • Hi_Im_Jade's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      The only thing I've been able to come across in regards to French content on Teams adoption specifically is this type - not sure if this helps at all & sorry I couldn't be of more help. Perhaps someone else has insight? I haven't been able to come across the "marketable" adoption guide(s) in French or any other templates in that regard. Maybe someone else will know for sure, but I didn't wanna leave ya hanging out here unnoticed 🙂
