Forum Discussion
IE V9 error when accessing Tech Community
Is anyone else getting the error "We no longer support Internet Explorer v9 and older. Upgrade to a newer version or use a different browser."? I am running IE11 and this is the only site i get the error and the scripts aren't running very pretty on the page. Thx!
Check to see if you have in your IE compatability tab view. If it's there, remove it and see if that helps.
IE 11, no issues here.
- DeletedI have the same problem - IE 11 is my default browser on my company laptop. Ironically it works fine in Google Chrome.
Deleted, if you fix as in this conversation please share it was due to in compatibility list or something else. Thank you.
- Paula FloresIron Contributor
Julie - see steps above to fix. Its the compatability issue.
- Paula FloresIron ContributorAnybody having this issue?
Paula, yes, i have the same. The problem is in compatibility - in my IE11 in Compatibility view settings the "Display Intranet sites in Compatibility view" is on. With this setting Tech Comm recognizes IE11 as IE9, i have no idea why. Thus doesn't work. If switch the setting to off everything is okay.
In addition - is definitely not in my list of compatibility sites.
- Paula FloresIron Contributor
Thanks! My "Display Intranet sites in Compatibility view" was off so I just removed from the list of sites and that helped.
Check to see if you have in your IE compatability tab view. If it's there, remove it and see if that helps.
IE 11, no issues here.
- Paula FloresIron Contributor
Thanks, Susan; that helped!