Forum Discussion

mkilic_mak's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 04, 2023

NetX Duo and AWS


I am currently using Azure RTOS on my project. I want to connect my device with AWS(Amazon Web Services). I found some sources but, I did not find any examples on STM32 devices.

Is there any examples with NetX Duo on AWS?

On the other hand  I have found examples with FreeRTOS. Do I have to use FreeRTOS to access all features of AWS?



  • cwpjr01's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    This search had all the content required to answer this qustion, I beleive.
    "azure rtos on ST32 examples of NetX Duo on AWS"
    This topic is old/mature enough for a chatGPT to be helpful, also.
    p.s. the azure NetX duo 'plugin' appears to use 2 network stacks, as does the NwtX Duo product.
