Forum Discussion
Feb 18, 2019Whats the query to use the exclude the computer from existing search filter
Need help on excluding some computers name on the existing query result.
I am using the first three letters from hostname filter the Country wise but I need exclude the domain servers from the query. is there is have excluded query for computers search?
Every query is a query which means you can build the query to the results you want to get or not get. You have multiple filtering options that allows you to exclude/include certain results. Some of the examples are:
Perf | where Computer !in~ ("Computer1", "Computer2")
Perf | where Computer != 'Computer1' or Computer != 'Computer2'
Or if they start with specific prefix:
Perf | where Computer !startswith "Computer"
Pick whatever serves your needs.
You also have the possibility to build a function:
For example your function could be
Heartbeat | where Computer !in~ ("Computer1", "Computer2") | distinct Computer
If your function is called ExcludedComptuers when you do queries you can:
Perf | where Computer !in~ (ExcludedComputers)
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