Forum Discussion

az_cloudadmin's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 10, 2019

Update management report across subscriptions

Hi Everyone,
If say I have 5 subscriptions under the same tenant, any ideas how can I get a weekly report for the updates applied/missing/required across the subscriptions? I’m looking into getting a weekly report/ dashboard view of the updates.
  • Chris Neale's avatar
    Chris Neale
    Copper Contributor



    There's an example below on how to construct a query across multiple workspaces.  As you said they are under the same tenant then copy the format below:


    union Update, workspace("contosoretail-it").Update, workspace("b459b4u5-912x-46d5-9cb1-p43069212nb4").Update
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
    | where UpdateState == "Needed"
    | summarize dcount(Computer) by Classification


    from the ms docs


    For the report part as the previous reply said, use function or logic app to trigger running the query at intervals, and use function+sendgrid or e-mail option in logicapp to mail it out.

  • Do you have the query? If you do you can add it to an Azure Monitor workbook for a visualization. You can create a scheduled Logic App if you need it to run weekly...happy to provide examples of both?

    Logic app

    Schedule trigger to Log Analytics Query to Send Email
