Forum Discussion

aprhn's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 11, 2020

Query to use percentage of values

Hello guys,

I'm beginner in Azure and I started a project in Azure Log Analytics.
I sent different values in a Custom Log from a Logic App (HTTP Request).


I have two values "cpu_used" and "cpu_limit" (Number type) and I want to create a query like :

Display when "cpu_used" is at 80% of "cpu_limit".

I tried many possibilities but I don't understand how to make this.

I don't understand anyway how to works summary percentile().

The value doesn't change.


Thanks you in advance for your advises



  • aprhn 


    You should be able to do the math with KQL.  This is fake but should give you the idea 


    Go to Log Analytics and run query

    // example
    | where ObjectName == "Processor" and InstanceName == "_Total"
    | project CounterName , CounterValue , Computer
    | summarize IdlePct = sumif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Idle Time" ), UserTime = sumif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% User Time" ) by Computer
    | summarize percentage = (sum(UserTime) / sum(IdlePct)) * 100
  • aprhn 


    You should be able to do the math with KQL.  This is fake but should give you the idea 


    Go to Log Analytics and run query

    // example
    | where ObjectName == "Processor" and InstanceName == "_Total"
    | project CounterName , CounterValue , Computer
    | summarize IdlePct = sumif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Idle Time" ), UserTime = sumif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% User Time" ) by Computer
    | summarize percentage = (sum(UserTime) / sum(IdlePct)) * 100
    • aprhn's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hello Clive,

      Thanks you ! I adapted your query and works fine :).


