Forum Discussion

LeeMed's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 04, 2020

Query to find true last login\last activity for on premise AD, Azure AD, and o365

Need assistance with a query in finding true last activity and login for on premise AD, Azure AD, and o365 for a project for cleaning up AD inactive accounts.


An output i'd like to see is display last login greater then x days.







  • LeeMed 


    You can add other Tables to this, but for AAD SigninLogs it would be, something like this.  Look back 30d and show me where a user hasn't logged in in the past 12days (or whatever, 1h, 2h...1d, 2d etc...) 


    | where TimeGenerated  > ago(30d)
    | summarize LastCall = max(TimeGenerated) by UserDisplayName
    | where LastCall < ago(12d)
    | order by LastCall asc 


    • CliveWatson's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft



      Last AD logon is:


      | where TimeGenerated > ago(9d)
      | where EventID in (4624)  //  An account was successfully logged on.
      | summarize count(), arg_max(TimeGenerated, *)  by EventID, Activity , Computer, LogonTypeName, Account


      I may have time to merge them later....unless you can?  🙂 

      • CliveWatson's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft



        //  Also for Logon and Logoff
          | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d))
          | where EventID in (4624, 4625)
          | where AccountType == 'User' 
          | summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimec = max(TimeGenerated), count() by LogonTypeName, Account, Activity
          | extend timestamp = StartTime


        However want I think you need is something like this (assuming you have both the SigninLogs and SecurityEvent tables and data)?  Feel free to modify as you require. 

        union isfuzzy=true 
          | where TimeGenerated  > startofday(ago(1d))
          | summarize LastCall = max(TimeGenerated) by Account = UserDisplayName
          | where LastCall < ago(1h)
          | order by LastCall asc
          | project Account , LastCall , Table = "AD"
          | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d))
          | where EventID in (4624) //, 4625)
          | where AccountType == 'User' 
          | summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated), LastCall = max(TimeGenerated), count() by LogonTypeName, Account, Activity
          | where LastCall < ago (1h)
          | project Account , LastCall , Table = "AAD"
        | summarize by Account, LastCall, Table

