Forum Discussion

ScottAllison's avatar
Iron Contributor
Feb 05, 2020

New Log Analytics experience

If Microsoft is trying to get me to stop using their UI for Log Analytics, then the latest update might actually work. Please bring back WORKSPACE FAVORITES. Our organization has multiple workspaces and having to click SELECT SCOPE and clicking through blades and multiple lists just to switch to a different workspace is extremely frustrating and time consuming. I just want my list of saved workspaces that I had before, please. 

  • Yup, I see your point, and can suggest this shortcut - when you click the scope selector, don't search for your workspace. Instead, select the Recent tab (see image below). Not so bad, right? Do you think we should make "Recent" the default tab, and "Browse" the second?

    • ScottAllison's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Noa Kuperberg I want my favorite workspaces front and center as was the case previous to this update. I should only have to click once to get to it. 
