Forum Discussion

PrashantM2495's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 27, 2020

Log Analytics Metrics/Counter for Memory & CPU Load

Hi all, 

I am looking for some of the Azure Metrics/Counters for Windows and Linux VMs to replace existing monitoring tool and looking for equivalent Metrics in Azure 

MetricsWindows VMsLinux VMs
Physical memory (Bytes)  
Pagefile (Bytes)  
Virtual memory usage (Bytes)  
Physical memory usage (Bytes)  
Number of physical CPUs (Number)  
Number of Logical CPUs (Number)  
Processor queue length (Number)  

It would be great help if anyone of you can suggest on these.


Best regards,


  • Hi PrashantM2495 ,

    Not all operating systems log the same data. You can see the full list of Windows and Linux collected counters in this article. I've used this query to collect all the perf counters reported today on the demo environment, and I've added the OS/Platform of each one for your convenience. It's not an exhaustive list as shown in the article, but a good way of reviewing what type of data your environment currently collects. As mentioned in the other reply to your question, that's configurable. Note that Kubernetes nodes and containers have yet additional counters, also interesting

    | summarize any(CounterValue, Computer) by ObjectName, CounterName


    Platform/OS Object Name Counter name
    Windows LogicalDisk Avg. Disk sec/Write
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Transfers/sec
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Writes/sec
    Windows LogicalDisk Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
    Windows Memory Available MBytes
    Windows LogicalDisk % Free Space
    Windows LogicalDisk Free Megabytes
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Reads/sec
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Bytes/sec
    Windows Network Adapter Bytes Sent/sec
    Windows Network Adapter Bytes Received/sec
    Windows Process % Processor Time
    Windows LogicalDisk Avg. Disk sec/Read
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Read Bytes/sec
    Windows Processor % Processor Time
    Windows LogicalDisk Disk Write Bytes/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Free Megabytes
    Linux Logical Disk % Used Space
    Linux Logical Disk Logical Disk Bytes/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Disk Read Bytes/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Disk Write Bytes/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Disk Transfers/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Disk Reads/sec
    Linux Logical Disk Disk Writes/sec
    Linux Network Total Bytes Transmitted
    Linux Network Total Bytes Received
    Linux Memory Available MBytes Memory
    K8SNode K8SNode memoryRssBytes
    K8SNode K8SNode cpuUsageNanoCores
    K8SNode K8SNode memoryWorkingSetBytes
    K8SNode K8SNode restartTimeEpoch
    K8SNode K8SNode cpuAllocatableNanoCores
    K8SNode K8SNode memoryAllocatableBytes
    K8SNode K8SNode cpuCapacityNanoCores
    K8SNode K8SNode memoryCapacityBytes
    K8SContainer K8SContainer memoryWorkingSetBytes
    K8SContainer K8SContainer restartTimeEpoch
    K8SContainer K8SContainer cpuUsageNanoCores
    K8SContainer K8SContainer memoryRssBytes
    K8SContainer K8SContainer cpuRequestNanoCores
    K8SContainer K8SContainer memoryRequestBytes
    K8SContainer K8SContainer cpuLimitNanoCores
    K8SContainer K8SContainer memoryLimitBytes
  • -Akos-'s avatar
    Brass Contributor

    PrashantM2495 Hi, once you have a Log Analytics workspace, and you've added your machines to the workspace, you can go to "Advanced Settings->Data->Windows Performance Counters" and add performance counter as you would in windows. By default a number are preconfigured, but more can be added in the selector. See here


    You need to think whether you want to monitor the number of CPU's though. Your type of Azure VM dictates that.
