Forum Discussion
Apr 10, 2019Copper Contributor
Kusto Query all backup jobs and list the friendly name
I use below query which will query the failed and completed jobs and list there
BackupItemFriendlyName_s, JobStatus_s and some other fields. However it doesnt display BackupItemFriendlyName_s for all the items for some reason... what could be wrong with the query ?
- GouravINBrass Contributor
Could you please check with this one
let Events = AzureDiagnostics | where Category == "AzureBackupReport"; Events | where OperationName == "Job" | project BackupItemUniqueId_s , JobStatus_s, Resource | join kind=inner (Events | where OperationName == "BackupItem" | distinct BackupItemUniqueId_s, BackupItemFriendlyName_s | project BackupItemUniqueId_s, BackupItemFriendlyName_s ) on BackupItemUniqueId_s | project BackupItemFriendlyName_s , JobStatus_s
- Jason EalesCopper Contributor
It might have something to do with your LeftOuter Join kind ("join kind=leftouter")
From what I know it means that if nothing is found on the right table join then a nothing is put in place.
leftouter In addition to the inner matches, the results include a record for every record on the left table, even if it has no match. In that case, the unmatched output cells contain nulls. In the given example, 3 records on the left ("exceptions") table don't have a match on the right ("requests") table, and therefore have an empty "avg_dur" column.
This site would explain it better :)