Forum Discussion

samer87's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 30, 2019

How to add a custom column which will get data from a row

Follwing query gives values from multiple performance counters but in a different rows. Is it possible to add performance counter's value in columns
| where ObjectName =="Memory" and CounterName=="% Committed Bytes In Use" or CounterName=="% used memory" or CounterName=="Available MBytes"
| summarize Avg_Memory_Usage=avg(CounterValue) by Computer, CounterName
required output
Computer, Available Memory, %committed memory
xyz, 3000, 20
  • samer87's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    May we be we can create a temp table and join the two data sets to have perf counter values in columns instead of row. If someone could help give an example of that may also help



    • CliveWatson's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft



      You can store the results using the Let statement - note, all three lets must return data for this to work - thats why I have commented out two lines as I don't have "% used memory" data in the workspace 


      Go to Log Analytics and Run Query


      let commitedBytes = (Perf
      | where ObjectName =="Memory" and CounterName=="% Committed Bytes In Use"
      | summarize AvgCommitedBytes=avg(CounterValue) by Computer);
      let usedMemory = (Perf
      | where ObjectName =="Memory" and CounterName=="% used memory"
      | summarize AvgUsedMemory=avg(CounterValue) by Computer);
      let availableBytes = (Perf
      | where ObjectName =="Memory" and CounterName=="Available MBytes"
      | summarize AvgAvailBytes=avg(CounterValue) by Computer);
      //| join kind=inner (usedMemory)     on Computer 
      | join kind=inner (availableBytes) on Computer 
      | project Computer,
      //          AvgUsedMemory,






