Forum Discussion

Arslan11's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 11, 2020

Help with making the query work

| where ConfigChangeType == "WindowsServices"
and SvcState == "Stopped"
and (
Computer has ""
or Computer has “"
or Computer has “”
and (
SvcDisplayName == "Integra eSeries FINPROD"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra SPC FINPROD”
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra UAS FINPROD"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra eSeries FINDEV"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra SPC FINDEV"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra UAS FINDEV"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra eSeries Duet"
or SvcDisplayName == “Integra eSeries SPTDEV"
or SvcDisplayName == "Integra eSeries FINARCH"

I am not sure, why this alert is not being configured, I can see nothing wrong, can you please assist me with this.

The request had some invalid properties , it keeps on saying that, but I have another query set up like that without no problems.


  • RuskinF's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Arslan11 Hi

    It seems that the logic you used is right.

    The code failed because of the Syntax error.

    Use the proper double quotation marks to solve your code errors.

  • Arslan11 ,


    It seems to me that the query fail to parse because you were using the wrong double quote character. You used ” instead of "


    There are many different double quote chars that some keyboards change automatically.


    Other than the quote chars, I have slightly rewritten your query to make it more readable and easy to maintain:


    | where
    ConfigChangeType == "WindowsServices" and
    SvcState == "Stopped" and
    Computer has_any ("","","")
    and SvcDisplayName in ("Integra eSeries FINPROD","Integra SPC FINPROD","Integra UAS FINPROD","Integra eSeries FINDEV","Integra SPC FINDEV","Integra UAS FINDEV","Integra eSeries Duet","Integra eSeries SPTDEV","Integra eSeries FINARCH")
    • Arslan11's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Meir_Mendelovich  Thanks, another query question to ask


      | where ObjectName == "LogicalDisk" and CounterName == "% Free Space" and Computer != "" and Computer != ""  and Computer != "" and Computer != "" and Computer != ""
      | summarize Free_Space = min(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName
      | where strlen(InstanceName) == 2 and InstanceName contains ":" and Computer != "" and InstanceName !contains ":E"  and Computer != "" and InstanceName !contains ":E" and Computer != "" and InstanceName !contains ":E" and Computer != "" and InstanceName !contains ":D"
      | where Free_Space < 10



      How can I make this more readable , also make sure that one instance for that computer Is not being monitored instead of all 
