Forum Discussion

Kok San Lee's avatar
Kok San Lee
Copper Contributor
Aug 31, 2017

Existing queries in Application Insights don't work in OMS

I'm trying out the Application Insights Connector in OMS and noticed that queries that worked in the Application Insights Analytics searches don't seem to work in OMS. These queries involve summarizing over custom fields of custom events.


What I think I'm seeing the problem is, is that the customDimensions field in Application Insights of for example,

{"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"}

 gets converted in OMS to the CustomEventDimensions field but as:

"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"

which is no longer a json object nor qualified json string, so functions like extractjson() and parsejson() don't work too.


Am I missing something and there's supposed to be a way for me to extract those fields for summarizing in OMS?

  • Hi,

    I haven't used the connector myself, but indeed the data structure is not equivalent to that used in Application Insights. Summarizng the data should still be possible, using other operators. 

    What exactly would you like to calculate?

    • Kok San Lee's avatar
      Kok San Lee
      Copper Contributor

      For example, let custom event be:

      track_event('test_drive', {"brand": "foo", "make": "bar"})

      Somthing I do in Application Insights is a query like such:

      customEvents | where name == 'test_drive' | summarize by count() by tostring(customDimensions.brand)

      where I do a count of a specific custom event summarized over a field I created for that event.

      • Noa Kuperberg's avatar
        Noa Kuperberg
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        There are several ways, here are examples for parse and extract:

        parse ('"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"') 
        with '"firstname": "' firstname '", "lastname": "' lastname '"'
        | project firstname, lastname 


        ...| extend custom_value='"firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe"'
        | extend names = extractall('"firstname": "(.*)", "lastname": "(.*)"', custom_value)
        | project custom_value, firstname=names[0][0], lastname=names[0][1]

        over these you eventually summarize as you prefer.
