Forum Discussion
Dimensions in webhook payload
Hi Azure Monitor team!
Recent blog update from 24 June mentions dimensions in fired alerts now showing better what was affected. When using common alert schema, it appears I'm starting to consistently see the actual affected device from a searchquery result in AffectedConfigurationItems. Is AffectedConfigurationItems the "best" place searchresults always will be placed in? I'm asking so that I know what part of the json webhook payload I need to go through to see what device the alert is for.
- Michael_Milirud
-Akos- standard schema definition is service specific. Here are samples for each of the services. Please let us know if this doesn't answer your question.
Best, Michael
-Azure Monitor Product Management- -Akos-Brass Contributor
Michael_Milirud I've had that page sort of like a bible bookmarked and read it a number of times, but no, it doesn't say everything I need to know. With a Log Analytics query based alert, I would like to know if the AffectedConfigurationItems section will always hold the data of affected servers. I've noticed a few times that section in the json was empty, but there was data in the search results table.
btw, I mentioned a blog, this one was it.
Also, Log analytics links to the portal are supposed to be compressed, but I'm still seeing very long links in the json data.
- Michael_Milirud
-Akos- I've reached out to our alerting team to get an answer for you on this. If you are still seeing uncompressed links we should take a look at your repro. Can you share a sample JSON that you are seeing with issues highlighted?
Best, Michael