Forum Discussion

loadedlouie270's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 24, 2022

Deploying Azure Monitor Alert Rules by Pipeline gives error

Hi all, 🙂 



I'm deploying a ARM Template in a Azure Devops pipeline...

The target is an Application Insights, and the query returns results.

This ARM template works, and it's valid, it has been deployed on VisualStudio without a problem. 

But when I go to deploy the same ARM Template, on a pipeline in DevOps , I get the following error: 


"error": {

"message": "The request had some invalid properties",
"code": "BadArgumentError",
"correlationId": "",
"innererror": {
"code": "SemanticError",
"message": "A semantic error occurred.",
"innererror": {
"code": "SEM0100",
"message": "'where' operator: Failed to resolve column or scalar expression named 'timestamp'"
I deleted the correlation id value on purpose on the error up, its not missing 🙂 
I know that this error can be thrown by a non-existing Column, but this is not the case.
The column exists on the table, and it's the equivalent to Timegenerated on LAW ... 
The query is the following: 
| summarize ResponseDurationMS = percentile(duration,95) by timestamp, operation_Name 
| where ResponseDurationMS >2000 
| order by ResponseDurationMS desc
So I need some help. 
Not really sure if, the name "timestamp" used in the query, 
is also used on the pipeline by default/design somehow... 
and when parsed on a query, it needs "special" escapes caracter or something... like the \" per example.
I tried to use 
column_ifexists(timestamp), without success....  and even extend to a new column as a todate(), also without success... 
I can use and deploy the same template, if i just remove the timestamp from the query.... but, i really want the timestamp column there.. 
Any thoughts.? 
Thanks in advance to all ... 




  • loadedlouie270 Please check that the permissions of the deployment provide access to the logs.

    The best option if you provide the correct permissions, is to open a support case with the correlation ID, and we will be able to check why this is happening on the service side.


    • loadedlouie270's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Yaniv, thanks for the reply,
      I know this is a "strange" behavior, and I know I got access because,
      if I run the pipeline, without that column on the query, it deploys perfectly without errors, the exact same query,just without that column...
      So I'm guessing I got access to it, or am I confused,
      and not understanding / seeing it wrong ?
      Thanks for your time by the way.
