Forum Discussion
Tim Curwick
Sep 21, 2017Copper Contributor
Complex expression with ago( )
I am trying to work with more complex expressions, and scalar function ago() is not behaving as expected. Specifially, this fails,
print ago( 3 * 5min )
throwing sytax error "ago(): argument #1 must be timespan literal"
This works:
print ago( 15min )
And this works:
let x = 15min; print ago( x )
But this fails:
let x = 3 * 5min; print ago( x )
Other functions I have tested don't have the same problem. This works:
print abs( 3 * 5min )
Is there something I should be or could be doing differently to get the desired result?
- This has been fixed now...You should be able to use the expressions with ago() and now()
- Ketan Ghelani
This has been fixed now...You should be able to use the expressions with ago() and now()- Tim CurwickCopper Contributor
Cool! Thanks for fixing it. Was this fix already in the pipeline or was that a quick response to the issue being raised here?
- Ketan Ghelani
There was a limitation on ago() and now() with expression. We are working to remove those limitations. Please stay tuned. For now as a workaround you can use something like this: let a=3m; let b=2*a; print now()-b