Forum Discussion
Sep 25, 2017Copper Contributor
Can I execute more than one query in one script?
I am trying and I do not find how to execute more than one query in one script. I want to do this in order to parametrize some analysis.
Can I execute more than one query in one script?
Thank you,
- Ketan Ghelani
API / Powershell cmdlets information at - Ketan Ghelani
For that I would use API or PowerShell Cmdlets. You can also use saved Functions. Can you elaborate with an example ?- fpalominoCopper Contributor
//My example, requests that I want to analyze
let tabla =
| where getmonth(timestamp) == getmonth(FechaInicio) and getyear(timestamp) == getyear(FechaInicio)
| where name == APIIgual or isempty(APIIgual)
| extend dummy = 1
| join kind=fullouter (
APIContiene | extend dummy = 1
) on $left.dummy == $right.dummy
| where name contains(llamada) or APIContieneDatos == false // como el unique innerjoin pero conn un or
| summarize by id,name,duration,resultCode,timestamp
| join kind=leftanti
) on $ == $right.llamada
| join kind = leftanti (
requests | extend dummy = 1
| where getmonth(timestamp) == getmonth(FechaInicio) and getyear(timestamp) == getyear(FechaInicio)
| join kind= leftouter (
APINoContiene | extend dummy = 1
) on $left.dummy == $right.dummy
| where name contains(llamada) and APINoContieneTieneDatos == true
| summarize by id
| project id
) on $ == $
| summarize by id,name,duration,resultCode,timestamp;//Total, Corrects, a Incorrects requests group by day and rendered as timechart
let Peticiones = tabla
| summarize
['Total'] = count(),
['Correctas'] = count(resultCode!=500),
['Erroneas'] = count(resultCode == 500)
by ['Dia'] = dayofmonth(timestamp)
| order by Dia asc
| render timechart by Dia;//Average time response and max time response group by day and rendered as timechart
let Tiempos = tabla
| summarize
['TiempoMedio'] = round(avg(duration),0),
['TiempoMaximo'] = round(max(duration),0)
by ['Dia'] = dayofmonth(timestamp)
| order by Dia asc
| render timechart by Dia;
//"Select Tiempos"
Tiempos;//"Select Peticiones"
The main problem is that I only can have one result. "Tiempos" or "Peticiones" but no both. I need to use render timecharts.It would be great having results tabs.