Forum Discussion
Jul 05, 2019barchart Ignoring the ymin and ymax values
I know there is an open post but even that isn't closed. Along with these params many other properties also doesn't seem to work. e.g. legend
My query :
| where replicationProviderName_s == "A2A"
| where isnotempty(name_s) and isnotnull(name_s)
| extend RPO = case(rpoInSeconds_d <= 900, "<15Min",
rpoInSeconds_d <= 1800, "15-30Min",
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by name_s
| project name_s , RPO
| summarize Count = count() by RPO
| render barchart with (ymin=0)
My output :
Expected output:
I tried changing all the options, but it still looks like above.
Also how can i fix the x axis to show 3 fix values i.e. <15, 15-20, >30 always
- CliveWatson
Would this help?
AzureDiagnostics | where replicationProviderName_s == "A2A" | where isnotempty(name_s) and isnotnull(name_s) | extend RPO = case( rpoInSeconds_d <= 100, "<15Min", rpoInSeconds_d <= 1000, "15-30Min", ">30Min") | summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by name_s | project comp_list = name_s , RPO | summarize count(comp_list) by RPO, comp_list | render barchart kind=stacked
- hsaini007
CliveWatson : thanks for your reply but the output is still not as expected.
Elaborating the context here, I am trying to group the occurences based on time range showing the count of occurrences per range.
E.g. How many vm's have RPO time <15 min, how many between 15-30min and rest.
The output of the updated query looks below. unstacking just result in a bar of height 1.
- CliveWatson
If its just a count, wouldn't this be enough?
AzureDiagnostics | where replicationProviderName_s == "A2A" | where isnotempty(name_s) and isnotnull(name_s) | extend RPO = case( rpoInSeconds_d <= 100, "<15Min", rpoInSeconds_d <= 500, "15-30Min", ">30Min") | summarize count() by RPO , name_s | render barchart
or (hide the name_s)
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