Forum Discussion

joergha's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 22, 2019

Barchart ignoring one data series

The following query 
| where TimeGenerated >= startofday(ago(2d))
| where Computer == "ADMIN-PC" or Computer == "SERVER-PC"
| summarize dcount(Computer) by t = endofday(TimeGenerated) , Computer
| sort by t, Computer
| render barchart kind=default
produces the following table of 6 record in two sets:
I'd expect to see a barchart with two series, but the result only shows one:
The behavour is consistent. When I chose three series only two will be displayed. Do I miss anything?
Regards Jörg
  • Wouldn't you show it as 'unstacked'? e.g change the last line to:

    | render barchart kind=unstacked
    • joergha's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      thx for the reply! When changing on unstacked everything looks fine.


      I dived a little more into the previous stacked barchart diagramm. There the Y-scale starts at 1. That might be the reason one series doesn't seem to show up. In my opinion for a stacked barchart diagram the Y-scale always must start at 0.


      Regards Joergs
