Forum Discussion
Jul 28, 2021Copper Contributor
Assistance with Log Analytics Disk Query
Good Morning all,
I'm hoping to get some help with log analytics, I'm trying to write a simple query that returns the percentage of used disk space for both Windows and Linux VMs.
For Linux VMs the following works great and display exactly what I am looking for.
But if I change "Logical Disk" to "LogicalDisk" for Windows VMs it doesn't return any records
I can query free disk space on Windows VMs using this code from Noa Kuperberg but I'm looking for used space, not free space.
| where ObjectName == "LogicalDisk" or // the object name used in Windows records
ObjectName == "Logical Disk" // the object name used in Linux records
| where CounterName == "Free Megabytes"
| summarize avg_free_disk_MB=avg(CounterValue) by Computer, InstanceName
Any help much appreciated.
Maybe this?
Perf //| where Computer !startswith "A" //or Computer startswith "J" //testing | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d)) | where CounterName in ( "% Free Space" , "% Used Space", "Free Megabytes") | where InstanceName !contains 'Harddisk' and InstanceName != '_Total' | summarize PctFree=avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Free Space" ), Linux =avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Used Space"), MbFree =avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "Free Megabytes"), arg_max(TimeGenerated, Computer) by Computer, InstanceName | extend PctFree = iif(isnan(PctFree),Linux,PctFree) | project-away Linux, Computer1 | project TotalSizeGB=round(MbFree*100/PctFree/1024,0), round(PctFree,2), round(MbFree,2), Computer, InstanceName | summarize FreePCT=avg(PctFree) by Computer, InstanceName, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB = round(MbFree / 1024,2) | sort by Computer asc, InstanceName asc | project Computer, InstanceName, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB, GBinUse = TotalSizeGB - FreeGB, FreePCT
- CliveWatson
Hairy_Zeus You need two Perf counters, this is from a few years ago, so could be improved on I think, but it works or at least can give you an idea.
// // combine % free and Free space to get volume size as well as %free // Perf | where Computer startswith "RDS" // add other computers here | where CounterName == "Free Megabytes" | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d)) | where InstanceName has ":" and strlen(InstanceName) ==2 // only look at drive letters | summarize MbFree=avg(CounterValue) by Computer,InstanceName,bin(TimeGenerated, 5m) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,InstanceName |join kind= inner ( Perf | where CounterName == "% Free Space" | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d)) | where InstanceName has ":" and strlen(InstanceName) ==2 // only look at drive letters | summarize PctFree=avg(CounterValue) by Computer,InstanceName,bin(TimeGenerated, 5m) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer,InstanceName ) on Computer , InstanceName | project TotalSizeGB=round(MbFree*100/PctFree/1024,0), round(PctFree,2), round(MbFree,2), Computer, InstanceName | summarize FreePCT=avg(PctFree) by Computer, DriveLetter = InstanceName, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB = round(MbFree / 1024,2) | sort by DriveLetter asc | project Computer, DriveLetter, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB, FreePCT, Inuse = TotalSizeGB - FreeGB
- Hairy_ZeusCopper Contributor
CliveWatson thanks for the reply, much appreciated. This is perfect for Windows servers but it doesn't look like it's pulling any data for Linux servers, any idea how I can pull the same data in the same query for Linux servers also?
- CliveWatson
Maybe this?
Perf //| where Computer !startswith "A" //or Computer startswith "J" //testing | where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(1d)) | where CounterName in ( "% Free Space" , "% Used Space", "Free Megabytes") | where InstanceName !contains 'Harddisk' and InstanceName != '_Total' | summarize PctFree=avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Free Space" ), Linux =avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "% Used Space"), MbFree =avgif(CounterValue, CounterName == "Free Megabytes"), arg_max(TimeGenerated, Computer) by Computer, InstanceName | extend PctFree = iif(isnan(PctFree),Linux,PctFree) | project-away Linux, Computer1 | project TotalSizeGB=round(MbFree*100/PctFree/1024,0), round(PctFree,2), round(MbFree,2), Computer, InstanceName | summarize FreePCT=avg(PctFree) by Computer, InstanceName, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB = round(MbFree / 1024,2) | sort by Computer asc, InstanceName asc | project Computer, InstanceName, TotalSizeGB, FreeGB, GBinUse = TotalSizeGB - FreeGB, FreePCT